I have never been so upset about any tragedy as this recent one. While I am proud that all americans are supporting this nation, one particular aspect has been steadily irritating my senses.
That is the new "unwritten" public policy of "let's not criticize" the president or the government at this time. In my personal opinion, given the circumstances and questionable behavior of government officials, there is NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT for voicing concerns.
Now, I enjoy "AMAZING"'s posts and she is very informative. However, this BUSH is NOT dumb or NOT incompetent is way off the deep end of common sense and logic.
Even as a JW, I can remember 6 or 7 year old children handling parts in the school, and they were at least able to complete more than 3-4 words in succession, without whiskers, fumbling, bumbling, and hesitation.
His father and his friends (CIA connections) and their family finances, and the oil industry as well as JEB BUSH in Florida literally "corrupted" the election. Everyone knows it. The europeans have been joking about it until this recent tragedy occurred.
The daily normal personality operating in his character (from what is displayed in the media) is obviously NOT intellectual by any means.
If he cheated in the election, he probably cheated at YALE. "Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck".
So I wish everyone would get over this "support the president" kick already, it's enough to make me hurl. I support America which is bigger than the individual sitting in that oval office.
Also, another point to be considered, given what is happening globally, there could NOT be a more urgent time period to have a leader like "TEDDY ROOSEVELT" right now, or I would even settle for a "RONALD REAGAN". At least they were able to speak publicly without irritating the audience and frustrating any listener with one brain cell.
Here we are, having to be represented globally by this spoiled, spoon-fed, cheating, well connected, typical elitist, poseur. He is the president, I will remain loyal, supportive and respectful because it is the right thing to do, not because I actually believe in his ability.
As a dub, I had to respect elders who were mental midgets at best, now I rely on the same inclination in this situation. But, please AMAZING, give us all a break from the bully-pulpit and be real!